Respiratory Products

7625 West New York Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46214-4911 USA

Phone: (317) 273-6960 Fax: (317) 273-6979
Order Desk Telephone: (800) 401-1723
To contact Flotec's Customer Service Department, email orderdesk@floteco2.com
To contact Flotec's Regulatory Department, email qa@floteco2.com
To provide feedback to Flotec, use our survey.

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Contact Us

Please feel free to contact by phone (317-273-6960), fax, or on our toll free 800 number (800-401-1723). You can also email customer service at orderdesk@floteco2.com

Our Customer Service Agents located in Indianapolis, IN will be more than pleased to help you with any question or issue that you may have.  If your need is of an elevated nature then those Customer Service Agents will be able to direct you to the appropriate Flotec company member.

Name Phone Extension Title
Ashley Carter 210 Senior Customer Service Supervisor
Betsy Curry 213 Senior Administrative Assistant / Purchasing
Bradley Davidson 217 Executive Vice President
Brian Davidson 212 President / Chief Executive Officer
Cristin Parsley 208 Customer Service Representative
Kevin Dill 202 Vice President Operations Planning